[September] Recap #22

[September] Recap #22



2 minutes


Everydays Project #709-738

#709: Tidal Bulge

#710: Rest In Paradise

Jimmy Buffett is a staple of car-ride music whenever my dad is in the driver’s seat. I knew many lyrics to his songs long before I understood the true meaning behind the words. Rest in Paradise, Good Sir.

#711: Confusion

#712: Still Confused

#713: Split Confusion

#714: Confused Perspective

#715: Confused Aggression

#716: Confused Encounter

#717: Confused Instructions

#718: Confused Chromatic

#719: Blender Yeast Donut

Hello Blender nice to meet you. Working my way through the storied #blenderguru donut tutorial.

#720: Blender Iced Donut w/ Sprinkles

#721: Blender Floating Sprinkles

Blender Guru warned of the complexity of the Floating Particles tutorial, and he was totally right. Still working on perfecting the full blender donut animation.

#722: Donut Compositing Test Renders

#723: Final Donut Animation

Yay I finally finished the awesome and insightful Blender Guru tutorial making my first Blender donut!
Here’s a side-by-side of Eevee render vs Cycles render (though I forgot to turn on motion blur for Eevee)

#724: Blender Cheese Pizza

Now applying the bender-donut method to create a pizza!

#725: Blender Supreme Pizza

Got the mushrooms, pineapple chunks, bacon, olives, pepperonis and sausage modeled. Probably need to hand-place the pepperoni to fix the clipping.

#726: Blender All-Dressed Pizza

More toppings (chopped onions, sliced bell pepper, ground beef), less cheese, better clipping

#727: Flying Blender Pizza Toppings!

#728: Final Blender Pizza Animation

Applied the Blender donut method by Blender Guru to create a Blender pizza animation! A side-by-side of Cycles render vs Eevee render

#729: Blender Donut Directional Lighting

#730: Blender Donut Colored Lighting

Personally, I like the red-hot donut the best lol

#731: By The Dozen

#732: Map Directory Blockout

(The map itself is a midjourney image)

#733: Blender Anvil Modelling

Got through the first 4 parts of Blender Guru tutorial to model a Blender anvil

#734: Medicine Bottle Model

#735: In Case of Injury

Got through Blender Guru UV Unwrapping tutorial; used Midjourney to generate images for the anvil texture and part of the medicine label;

#736: Anvil Hologram

Another great Blender Guru tutorial successfully completed

#737: Holographic Texts

#738: Hammering Out The Details

Detail-sculpting tutorial by Blender Guru completed ✔️

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